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Java SE 8 Update 291 (64-bit) - Secure and Reliable Software Development Platform



Java is one of the most popular and widely used programming languages in the world. It is used to develop applications for various platforms, such as desktop, web, mobile, embedded, and cloud. Java is also known for its stability, security, portability, and performance.

However, Java is not a static language. It evolves with time to meet the changing needs and expectations of developers and users. One of the most significant updates to Java was the release of Java 8 in March 2014. Java 8 introduced many new features and enhancements that made Java more expressive, functional, modern, and efficient.

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In this article, we will explore some of the most important features and benefits of Java 8, as well as how to install it on your system. We will also discuss some of the compatibility issues that you may encounter when upgrading from an older version of Java. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what Java 8 can offer you and how to use it effectively.

Features of Java 8

Java 8 added many new features to the Java language and platform. Some of these features are:

Lambda Expressions and Functional Interfaces

Lambda expressions are one of the most anticipated features of Java 8. They allow you to write anonymous functions that can be passed as arguments to other methods or stored in variables. Lambda expressions enable a more concise and functional style of programming in Java.

A functional interface is an interface that has only one abstract method. Lambda expressions can be used to implement functional interfaces without creating a separate class. Functional interfaces are also known as single abstract method (SAM) interfaces.

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For example, suppose we have a functional interface called Calculator that defines a method called calculate that takes two integers as parameters and returns an integer:

interface Calculator int calculate(int x, int y);

We can use a lambda expression to create an instance of Calculator that performs addition:

Calculator adder = (x, y) -> x + y;

We can then use the adder instance to invoke the calculate method:

int result = adder.calculate(10, 20); // result = 30

Method References and Streams API

A method reference is a shorthand notation for a lambda expression that calls an existing method. It has the syntax ClassName::methodName or objectName::methodName. Method references can be used to simplify the code when using lambda expressions.

For example, suppose we have a list of strings that we want to sort alphabetically. We can use a lambda expression to pass a comparator to the sort method:

List names = Arrays.asList("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"); names.sort((s1, s2) -> s1.compareTo(s2));

We can also use a method reference to achieve the same result:

List names = Arrays.asList("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie"); names.sort(String::compareTo);

The streams API is another new feature of Java 8 that allows you to process collections of data in a declarative way. A stream is a sequence of elements that can be processed in parallel or sequentially, applying various operations such as filtering, mapping, reducing, and collecting. Streams can be created from collections, arrays, or other sources.

For example, suppose we have a list of numbers that we want to filter by evenness, square, and sum. We can use a stream to perform these operations:

List numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); int sum = .filter(n -> n % 2 == 0) // keep only even numbers .map(n -> n * n) // square each number .reduce(0, Integer::sum); // sum the results // sum = 20

Default Methods and Optional Class

Default methods are methods that have a default implementation in an interface. They allow you to add new functionality to existing interfaces without breaking the compatibility with existing implementations. Default methods are also known as defender methods or virtual extension methods.

For example, suppose we have an interface called Animal that defines a method called eat:

interface Animal void eat();

We can add a default method called sleep to the Animal interface that prints "Zzz" to the console:

interface Animal void eat(); default void sleep() System.out.println("Zzz");

Now, any class that implements the Animal interface can use the sleep method without overriding it:

class Dog implements Animal public void eat() System.out.println("Woof"); Dog dog = new Dog();; // Woof dog.sleep(); // Zzz

The optional class is a wrapper class that represents a value that may or may not be present. It is used to avoid null pointer exceptions and provide a more expressive way of handling optional values. Optional class has methods such as isPresent, get, orElse, orElseThrow, and ifPresent that allow you to perform various actions depending on the presence or absence of the value.

For example, suppose we have a method called findByName that returns an optional value of type Person:

Optional findByName(String name) // some logic to find a person by name

We can use the optional class to handle the result of the method:

Optional person = findByName("Alice"); if (person.isPresent()) // check if the value is present System.out.println(person.get().getName()); // get the value else System.out.println("Person not found"); // handle the absence of the value

Date/Time API and Nashorn JavaScript Engine

The date/time API is a new set of classes and interfaces that provide a comprehensive and consistent way of working with dates and times in Java. The date/time API is based on the ISO 8601 standard and supports various calendar systems, time zones, units, and formats. The date/time API is also immutable and thread-safe.

The date/time API consists of four main packages: java.time, java.time.chrono, java.time.format, and java.time.temporal. Some of the most important classes in the date/time API are LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, ZonedDateTime, Instant, Duration, Period, DateTimeFormatter, and ZoneId.

For example, suppose we want to create a date object that represents the current date in New York:

LocalDate today ="America/New_York"));

We can then format the date object using a predefined or custom pattern:

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM/dd/yyyy"); String formattedDate = today.format(formatter); // formattedDate = "06/20/2023"

The Nashorn JavaScript engine is a new feature of Java 8 that allows you to execute JavaScript code from within Java applications. Nashorn is based on the ECMAScript 5.1 standard and supports Java interoperability. Nashorn is also faster and more efficient than the previous JavaScript engine in Java (Rhino).

Nashorn provides a command-line tool called jjs that allows you to run JavaScript code from the terminal. You can also use the javax.script package to embed Nashorn in your Java applications.

For example, suppose we have a JavaScript file called hello.js that prints "Hello World" to the console:

// hello.js print("Hello World");

We can run this file using jjs from the terminal:

jjs hello.js Hello World

We can also use the ScriptEngineManager class to create a Nashorn engine and execute the JavaScript code from a Java application:

// Java code import javax.script.ScriptEngine; import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager; import javax.script.ScriptException; public class NashornExample public static void main(String[] args) ScriptEngineManager manager = new ScriptEngineManager(); ScriptEngine engine = manager.getEngineByName("nashorn"); try engine.eval("print('Hello World')"); catch (ScriptException e) e.printStackTrace();

Benefits of Java 8

Java 8 offers many benefits to developers and users of Java applications. Some of these benefits are:

Improved Performance and Productivity

Java 8 improves the performance and productivity of Java applications by providing features such as lambda expressions, streams, parallelism, and concurrency. These features allow you to write more concise, readable, and efficient code that can leverage the power of multicore processors and distributed systems.

For example, lambda expressions and streams can help you process large collections of data in a functional and parallel way, reducing the amount of boilerplate code and improving the performance of your application. Parallelism and concurrency can help you execute multiple tasks simultaneously, making your application more responsive and scalable.

Modernized Language and Libraries

Java 8 modernizes the Java language and libraries by introducing new features and enhancements that make Java more expressive, functional, and compatible with other languages. These features and enhancements include default methods, optional class, date/time API, Nashorn JavaScript engine, annotations, generics, and lambda metafactory.

For example, default methods allow you to add new functionality to existing interfaces without breaking the compatibility with existing implementations. Optional class allows you to handle optional values in a more expressive way. Date/time API provides a comprehensive and consistent way of working with dates and times. Nashorn JavaScript engine allows you to execute JavaScript code from within Java applications. Annotations, generics, and lambda metafactory allow you to create more expressive and type-safe code.

Support for Internet of Things and Concurrency

Java 8 supports the development of applications for the Internet of Things (IoT) and concurrency by providing features such as compact profiles, lambda expressions, streams, parallelism, concurrency, and Nashorn JavaScript engine. These features allow you to create applications that can run on devices with limited resources, communicate with other devices and services, process large amounts of data, and handle multiple tasks simultaneously.

For example, compact profiles allow you to create applications that can run on devices with less than 10 MB of memory. Lambda expressions, streams, parallelism, and concurrency allow you to process large amounts of data in a functional and parallel way. Nashorn JavaScript engine allows you to execute JavaScript code from within Java applications, which can be useful for interacting with web services and other devices.

Installation Guide for Java 8

If you want to install Java 8 on your system, you need to follow these steps:

System Requirements and Compatibility

Before installing Java 8, you need to check the system requirements and compatibility for your operating system. You can find the system requirements for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Solaris, and other platforms on the official website of Oracle. You also need to check the compatibility of your existing Java applications with Java 8. You can use the Java Compatibility Kit (JCK) or the Java SE Migration Guide to test your applications for compatibility issues.

Downloading and Running the Installer

To download Java 8, you need to go to the official website of Oracle and choose the version that matches your operating system. You will need to accept the license agreement before downloading the installer file. After downloading the installer file, you need to run it as an administrator or a root user. The installer will guide you through the installation process. You can choose the default settings or customize them according to your preferences.

Updating the PATH Environment Variable

To use Java 8 from the command line or from other applications, you need to update the PATH environment variable with the location of the Java 8 bin directory. The PATH environment variable is a list of directories that are searched when executing commands or programs. To update the PATH environment variable on Windows, you need to go to Control Panel > System > Advanced System Settings > Environment Variables > System Variables > PATH > Edit > New > Browse > Select the Java 8 bin directory > OK > OK > OK. To update the PATH environment variable on Linux or Mac OS X, you need to edit the .bash_profile or .profile file in your home directory and add the following line at the end of the file: export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/java8/bin

where /path/to/java8/bin is the location of the Java 8 bin directory. You may need to restart your terminal or system for the changes to take effect. Compatibility Issues for Java 8

Java 8 is designed to be compatible with previous versions of Java, but there may be some cases where you encounter compatibility issues when upgrading from an older version of Java. Compatibility issues can be classified into three categories: source, binary, and behavioral.

Source Compatibility

Source compatibility refers to the ability of Java code to compile without errors or warnings on a newer version of Java. Java 8 is mostly source compatible with previous versions of Java, but there are some changes that may require you to modify your code. Some of these changes are:

  • The addition of new keywords, such as default and _ (underscore).

  • The addition of new methods, such as default methods and static methods in interfaces.

  • The addition of new annotations, such as @FunctionalInterface and @Repeatable.

  • The addition of new rules, such as type inference for generic method invocations and lambda expressions.

  • The removal or deprecation of some features, such as permgen space and applets.

You can use the javac command with the -source and -target options to specify the source and target versions of Java for your code. You can also use the -Xlint option to enable additional warnings for potential compatibility issues.

Binary Compatibility

Binary compatibility refers to the ability of Java class files or JAR files to run without errors or exceptions on a newer version of Java. Java 8 is mostly binary compatible with previous versions of Java, but there are some changes that may require you to recompile or update your class files or JAR files. Some of these changes are:

  • The addition of new classes, interfaces, methods, fields, or constants in the Java platform.

  • The addition of new attributes, such as LambdaForm and MethodParameters, in the class file format.

  • The addition of new bytecode instructions, such as invokedynamic and lambda-related instructions.

  • The change or removal of some classes, interfaces, methods, fields, or constants in the Java platform.

You can use the java command with the -version option to check the version of Java that your class files or JAR files are compatible with. You can also use the jdeps command to analyze the dependencies of your class files or JAR files and identify any compatibility issues.

Behavioral Compatibility

Behavioral compatibility refers to the ability of Java applications to produce the same results or effects on a newer version of Java. Java 8 is mostly behavioral compatible with previous versions of Java, but there are some changes that may affect the behavior or performance of your applications. Some of these changes are:

  • The change in the default garbage collector from Parallel GC to G1 GC.

  • The change in the default string concatenation strategy from StringBuilder to invokedynamic.

  • The change in the default hashing algorithm for string objects from a fixed function to a random function.

  • The change in the implementation or specification of some classes, interfaces, methods, fields, or constants in the Java platform.

You can use the java command with the -Djava.compatiblity.version option to specify the compatibility mode for your applications. You can also use the -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions and -XX:+PrintFlagsFinal options to print the values of all VM flags and identify any changes in behavior or performance.


In this article, we have learned about some of the most important features and benefits of Java 8, as well as how to install it on your system. We have also discussed some of the compatibility issues that you may encounter when upgrading from an older version of Java. We hope that this article has helped you to understand what Java 8 can offer you and how to use it effectively.

If you want to learn more about Java 8, we recommend you to check out the following resources:

  • , where you can find more information about Java 8, download it, and access its documentation and tutorials.

  • , where you can find news and updates about Java 8, as well as tips and best practices from experts.

  • , where you can find videos and webinars about Java 8, as well as interviews and presentations from experts.

  • , where you can ask questions and get answers about Java 8, as well as interact with other developers and users.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions and answers about Java 8:

What is the difference between Java 8 and Java 11?

Java 11 is the latest long-term support (LTS) version of Java, released in September 2018. It includes all the features and enhancements of Java 8, as well as some new features and improvements, such as:

  • The addition of new APIs, such as HttpClient, VarHandle, and Flight Recorder.

  • The removal or deprecation of some features, such as Java EE modules, JavaFX, and Nashorn JavaScript engine.

  • The support for new standards, such as Unicode 10, HTTP/2, and TLS 1.3.

  • The improvement of performance, security, and stability.

Java 11 is recommended for developers and users who want to use the latest and most stable version of Java. However, Java 8 is still widely used and supported by many applications and platforms.

How can I update from Java 8 to Java 11?

To update from Java 8 to Java 11, you need to follow these steps:

  • Check the system requirements and compatibility for Java 11 on the official website of Oracle.

  • Download the installer file for Java 11 from the official website of Oracle.

  • Run the installer file as an administrator or a root user.

  • Follow the installation process and choose the default settings or customize them according to your preferences.

  • Update the PATH environment variable with the location of the Java 11 bin directory.

  • Test your existing Java applications for compatibility issues with Java 11 using the JCK or the Java SE Migration Guide.

How can I uninstall Java 8 from my system?

To uninstall Java 8 from your system, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features on Windows, or Applications > Utilities > Java Preferences on Mac OS X, or /usr/java on Linux.

  • Select Java 8 from the list of installed programs and click Uninstall or Remove.

  • Follow the uninstallation process and confirm your choice.

  • Delete any remaining files or folders related to Java 8 from your system.

How can I check the version of Java on my system?

To check the version of Java on your system, you need to follow these steps:

  • Open a terminal or a command prompt on your system.

  • Type java -version and press Enter.

  • You will see the output that shows the version of Java that is installed on your system.

How can I learn more about Java programming?

To learn more about Java programming, you can use these resources:

  • , where you can find a comprehensive and interactive guide to learn the basics and advanced topics of Java programming.

  • , where you can find a series of exams and courses that test and validate your skills and knowledge in Java programming.

  • , where you can find a selection of books that cover various aspects and applications of Java programming.


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