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Introductory Ada Programming Book: A Book For Beginner Programmers And Beginners To Ada Download


Concurrent and Real-time Programming in Ada starts with three chapters of an introductory nature explaining the basic focus areas of the book, the nature of concurrent programming, and the problems and pitfalls of interprocess communication. The following four chapters explain Ada's language construct for dealing with concurrent behavior and interprocess communication, Ada's basic rendezvous model, the select statement, and protected objects. Advanced issues of concurrent programming are addressed in the next four chapters. From here, chapters 12 to 16 switch to realtime issues, starting with tasking and systems programming, followed by an explanation of features defined in the realtime systems annex to Ada. The next chapter presents the Ravenscar profile. Finally, the concluding chapter briefly lists the language features relevant to concurrency and realtime and the features new to Ada 2005, and gives an overview of issues still not adequately solved in the current Ada standard.

This book is aimed at experienced programmers who want to learn Ada at the programming level. It highlights some key features of the Ada language, with coded examples, that are essential for getting started as an Ada programmer.

Introductory Ada Programming Book: A Book for Beginner Programmers and Beginners to Ada download

This book on artificial intelligence has been considered by many as one of the best AI books for beginners. It is less technical and gives an overview of the various topics revolving around AI. The writing is simple, and the reader can easily understand all concepts and explanations.

It also encompasses other forms of learning like reinforcement, supervised, unsupervised, statistical learning, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. Each topic includes well-explained algorithms and pseudo-codes, which makes the book very helpful for beginners who aspire to kickstart their careers in AI.

The book covers all major approaches to machine learning. They range from classical linear and logistic regression to modern support vector machines, boosting, Deep Learning, and random forests. This book is perfect for those beginners who want to get familiar with the mathematics behind machine learning algorithms.

As per its title, Machine Learning for Beginners is meant for absolute beginners. It traces the history of the early days of machine learning to what it has become today. It describes how big data is important for machine learning and how programmers use it to develop learning algorithms. Concepts such as AI, neural networks, swarm intelligence, etc., are explained in detail.

One of the few artificial intelligence books that explain the various theoretical and practical aspects of machine learning techniques very simply. It makes use of plain English to prevent beginners from being overwhelmed by technical jargon. It has clear and accessible explanations with visual examples for the various algorithms.

2: Information about this document3: Are there computer-based Ada tutorials?4: Is there a list of good Ada books?Ada 95 BooksGroup 1: Books Suitable for a First Course in Programming with Ada 95Group 2: Books on Specific Topics, with Ada 95 as the Language of DiscourseGroup 3: General Texts Covering All of Ada 95 Ada 83 BooksGroup 1: Books Suitable for a First Course in Programming with Ada 83Group 2: Other Ada 83 Books Intended for Undergraduate CoursesGroup 3: A Selection of Other Ada 83-Related Books5: Credits6: Copying this FAQ1: Recent changes to this FAQ970629: re-synchronized list of Ada 95 books.960531: updated list of tutorials.960522: approved for posting in *.answers.960309: added list of Ada 95 books.960128: created, with contributions from David Wheeler and Mike Feldman.(Up to Table of Contents)2: Information about this documentThis file is posted monthly tocomp.lang.ada,,comp.answers,andnews.answers.This document has a home on the Home of the Brave Ada Programmers (HBAP)WWW Server, in hypertext format, URL is available --as posted in *.answers-- on,which archives all FAQ files posted to *.answers; see directory -by-group/news.answers/computer-lang/AdaThe text-only version is also available in directory Kempe maintains this document; it's a hobby, not a job.Feedback (corrections, suggestions, ideas) about it is to be sentvia e-mail toM.Kempe@ieee.orgThanks.In all cases, the most up-to-date version of the FAQ is the versionmaintained on the Ada Home WWW Server. Please excuse any formattinginconsistencies in the posted, text-only version of this document, asit is automatically generated from the on-line, hypertext version.(Up to Table of Contents)3: Are there computer-based Ada tutorials?There are many ways to learn Ada.Here are some on-line Ada tutorials expressly designed for self-study:Lovelaceis a free (no charge) self-directed Ada 95 tutorialavailable on the World Wide Web (WWW), at assumes that the user already knows some other algorithmicprogramming language (such as C, C++, or Pascal).Lovelace is interactive; it contains a number of short sections, and mostshort sections end with a question (to help ensure that you've understoodthe section's material).Lovelace can be used directly from the WWW (see above),downloaded from run from a CD-ROM, described at was developed by David A. Wheeler.Learn Ada on the Web (LAW)by Dr. Fintan Culwin was developed to freelyprovide Ada training on the World Wide Web, at URL is concerned with initial software development education ratherthan with helping programmers who already know other computer languages.Also, LAW is concerned as muchwith providing software engineering tools over the Web as with presentinginformation regarding Ada.Dr. Culwin believes that the Lovelace and LAW projectsare complementary rather than needless duplication of each other, sincetheir target users are so different.LAW includes an interesting capability to interactively create Adaprograms remotely over the Web; you might want to use this LAWcapability even if you choose to use another tutorial.Dr. Culwin is at South Bank University, London, and may be contacted Enterprises Tutorialsare shareware tutorials.Their tutorial of interest to us isan Ada 83 tutoriallocated at dodrill/adalist.html(the suggested fee is US$15)TheC/C++Programmers Ada Tutorialis a short hypertext tutorial, located at programmers who have a C or C++ style programming language background.It was written by Simon Johnson, with some additional text by Tucker Taft.Ada-Tutr isa shareware interactive Ada tutor developed byJohn Herro ofSoftware Innovations Technology.You can download it from the Ada-Tutr web site, at the Ada-Tutr ftp site, located at can also download it by calling theSaddleBag BBS, 1-407-773-0831, and log in withthe name Ada Tutor and the password tutor.ThePublicAda Library's copy of Ada-Tutr (mirror)is another way to retrieve Ada-Tutr.There is alsoanolder version of Ada-Tutr for Ada 83(mirror).AdaTutr has a number of exercises that give a more complete understandingof Ada but will take more time to complete than a tutor without such exercises(such as Lovelace).HOT_Ada, a two-volume course/tutorial distributed on floppydisks, is available from Stage Harbor Software;it is not directly available via the WWW.It does not include a compiler. It is similar to a set of tutorial slides, except for the hyper-linking features and the fact that you can proceed at your own pace and accommodate your own learning style and needs.HOT_Ada is designed for individual, self-paced learning. Oneversion runs on Macintoshes, another on PCs with Windows. The manyhypertext and hypergraphic features allow you, for instance, toclick on a "hot word" to see its definition in the Glossary orclick on a "hot icon" in a diagram to jump to the correspondingline of Ada source code in a previously hidden listing.The regular price is $29 for a single volume, $49 for the two-volume set. E-mail inquiries welcomed at: Regular mailinquiries or mail orders (specify Mac or Windows, personal checksaccepted) can be sent to: Stage Harbor Software 9 Patriots Drive Lexington, MA 02173What does the course cover?HOT_Ada is a two-volume course/tutorial, distributed on floppy disks. Volume 1, the "core" part of the course, provides a pictorial introduction to object technology (OOA and OOD presented in a language-independent manner) and a pictorial introduction to Ada 9X, with emphasis on its OOP features. Volume 2 provides an extended case study with a step-by-step illustration of the OOA, OOD and OOP concepts outlined in Volume 1. A mixture of classification and composition approaches is illustrated. The OOA and OOD material is strongly influenced by the Fusion Method, a fusion of OMT, Booch, Coad-Yourdon, et al. HOT_Ada is designed for individual, self-paced learning. One version runs on Macintoshes. Another version runs on PC's with Windows.There are many hypertext and hypergraphic features. For example, you can click on a "hot word" to see its definition in the Glossary, or click on a "hot icon" in a diagram to jump to the corresponding line of Ada source code in a previously hidden listing. A major theme of the course is the reuse of patterns and parts.Who can benefit from HOT_Ada?Several categories of people can benefit from self-study using HOT_Ada. If you are familiar with Ada 83, and have begun to study Ada 9X, you can supplement other efforts by reviewing this picture-based material and the case study. If, as an Ada software engineer, you want to learn more about object technology in general, especially the Fusion approach, HOT_Ada provides an ideal combination for learning and "tying it all together." If you are a newcomer to Ada, the visual approach of HOT_Ada may provide you with an excellent way to start your learning process -- to be followed up using traditional text and classroom methods.What are the System Requirements?PC:Any PC with Windows Version 3.0 or later should be fine. You will need about six MB of free space on your hard disk.(Two MB for the ToolBook runtime and three MB for the two volumes of HOT_Ada.) The beta version had been distributed on 4 disks. Version 1.1 (and now Version 1.2) has been compressed, and is being deliveredon a single disk. You will need to "unzip" it.Mac:Any reasonably modern Mac (e.g., Mac II or PowerBook) with two MB of RAM or more should work OK, but older "small screen" Macs will be awkward, due to a lot of graphical scrolling that will be needed. Version 1.1 (and now Version 1.2) is being delivered on twodisks, without compression. (Each disk contains the HyperCard runtimeintegrated with a volume of HOT_Ada.) You will need about three MB of freespace on your hard disk.How to Order by Mail?Write a personal check for $49 to Stage Harbor Software and mail it to Stage Harbor Software, 9 Patriots Drive, Lexington, MA 02173. Be sure to specify the Windows or Mac version of HOT_Ada, and include your e-mail address if you have one. (Credit card orders are not accepted.) To Order from Outside the USATo order from outside the USA, you can send an International Postal MoneyOrder or have your bank wire funds to my account at The Cooperative Bank, 12 Nagog Park, Acton, MA, 01720-9890, USA, Account: Bard S. Crawford, Stage Harbor Software, Account Number 03520457558 -- and let Bard Crawford know separately that you are doing so.[Source: Bard Crawford, Stage Harbor Software]Here are some other Ada-related educational materials that youmay find helpful:Introducing Ada95is a set of slides about Ada 95 byRichard Conn,released without restrictions on its use and distribution.Here's a quote from Richard Conn:This is a day-long short course that introduces Ada95. The purpose ofthe course is to explore the Ada95 language, including its facilitiesfor object-oriented design and programming, real-time programming,distributed processing, and other domains. The course will concentrateon the practical aspects of applying the features of Ada95 to thesoftware development process. Numerous examples of the language arepresented.Richard Conn's tutorial is available inZipped PowerpointPostscript format. (736K).AREADME file accompanies the tutorial.Free viewers for bothMacintosh (602K)and PCsrunning Windows (1,092K) are available for those who do not own Powerpoint.Ada 95: The Next Generation, a slide set byMike Kamrad, is available throughthe SIGAda server.It is available in both Powerpoint4.0 for the Macintosh format (140K) and Powerpoint4.0 for Windows format (84K). Free viewers for both Macintosh(602K) and PCsrunning Windows (1,092K) are available for those who do not own Powerpoint.ASSET maintains a collection of Ada-related courseware;see ASSET's WWW page for more information.OtherPAL Courseware(mirror)products are available by FTP(in addition to AdaTutr and Lovelace, listed above).Walnut Creekmirrors the PAL onto itsAda CD-ROM.A copy of theAda CD-ROM is available on-line.An "Academic Ada" package developed by Intermetrics and Aonix isavailable for Windows 95/NT.(Up to Table of Contents)4: Is there a list of good Ada books?Magnus Kempe and Mike Feldman maintain annotated bibliographies.They are selected lists of useful books, with capsule reviews. 2ff7e9595c

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