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Food Chemistry Principles And Applications Hui Pdf Downloadl: A Practical and Theoretical Approach t


Processing parameters and technical characteristics of a wide range of commercial bioplastic polymers have been reviewed recently (Bioplastics 07/08). Many bioplastics now have mechanical properties equivalent to that of their conventional counterparts (e.g. polypropylene (PP), polystyrene and polyethylene (PE)) and can be processed using technologies widely used in the polymer industry (e.g. compounding, film processing and moulding). They have found use in many short service life applications where biodegradability is a key advantageous feature ( including consumer packaging (e.g. trays, pots, films and bottles in food packaging), convenience food disposables (e.g. cutlery/tableware), bags (shopping, garden or domestic waste), agriculture mulch films, personal-care disposals (e.g. nappies) and even golf tees. Bioplastic polymers have also been used in more durable applications such as in textiles, consumer goods, automotive parts and building and construction where the focus is on the use of renewable (bio)resources and any inherent biodegradability properties need to be suppressed or controlled by careful design.

Food Chemistry Principles And Applications Hui Pdf Downloadl

HACCP has been increasingly applied to industries other than food, such as cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. This method, which in effect seeks to plan out unsafe practices based on science, differs from traditional "produce and sort" quality control methods that do nothing to prevent hazards from occurring and must identify them at the end of the process. HACCP is focused only on the health safety issues of a product and not the quality of the product, yet HACCP principles are the basis of most food quality and safety assurance systems. In the United States, HACCP compliance is regulated by 21 CFR part 120 and 123. Similarly, FAO and WHO published a guideline for all governments to handle the issue in small and less developed food businesses.[3]

Over the period 1986 to 1990, a team consisting of National Sea Products and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans developed the first mandatory food inspection programme based on HACCP principles in the world. Together, these Canadian innovators developed and implemented a Total Quality Management Program and HACCP plans for all their groundfish trawlers and production facilities.[6]

The seven HACCP principles are included in the international standard ISO 22000. This standard is a complete food safety and quality[9] management system incorporating the elements of prerequisite programmes(GMP & SSOP),[9] HACCP and the quality management system, which together form an organization's Total Quality Management system.

ISO 22000 is a standard designed to help augment HACCP on issues related to food safety. Although several companies, especially big ones, have either implemented or are on the point of implementing ISO 22000, there are many others which are hesitant to do so. The main reason behind that is the lack of information and the fear that the new standard is too demanding in terms of bureaucratic work.[29] ISO 22000 references the Codex Alimentarius General Principles of Food Hygiene, CXC 1-1969[30] which includes HACCP principles and 12 HACCP application steps. This is explained in a joint publication from ISO and United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) [31] which provides guidance to assist all organizations (including small and medium-sized) that recognize the potential benefits of implementing a Food Safety Management System.

  • An overview of the meat-processing industry

  • The basic science of meat, with chapters on muscle biology, meat consumption, and chemistry

  • Meat attributes and characteristics, including color, flavor, quality assessment, analysis, texture, and control of microbial contamination

  • The primary processing of meat, including slaughter, carcass evaluation, and kosher laws

  • Principles and applications in the secondary processing of meat, including breading, curing, fermenting, smoking, and marinating

  • The manufacture of processed meat products such as sausage and ham

  • The safety of meat products and meat workers, including sanitation issues and hazard analysis


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